The civil engineering department brings together a set of areas of scientific knowledge (construction engineering, hydraulic engineering, transportation engineering, terrain engineering, cartographic engineering, geodesy and photogrammetry, environmental technologies and engineering projects) that base their main activity on the application of a wide range of teaching and technologies for the design, construction, management and maintenance of infrastructures and services associated with civil engineering, as well as the research into new methodologies and techniques to improve them.
From this department we are aware that the main objective of our work is to promoteteaching and R+D+i activities that allow us to develop interventions with maximum functionality and minimum use of material and economic resources to achieve the greatest environmental and social sustainability.
Scientific rigor, perseverance in our work, critical thinking, innovation and creativity are the basis of our work to offer practical solutions to the problems of our society.
teaching hours in
university centers
master's degrees
undergraduate degrees
undergraduate subjects
master's subjects
El grupo de investigación en cooperación al desarrollo Artigo9Tech y la ONGD Enxeñería Sen Fronteiras Galicia organizaron este pasado diciembre en la ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos…
A OMA-UDC conta neste momento con 14 bicicletas pregables e 25 bicicletas convencionais (27 Coruña, 12 Ferrol) en disposición de préstamo ata o remate do presente curso 2022/2023. Período de…
El pasado martes días 21 de marzo, el grupo de Ingeniería del Terreno I de 3º de GIOP realizó un viaje de formación al Barco de Valdeorras, en el que…
El pasado 10 de marzo tuvo lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos la fase local de la V Olimpiada de Ingeniería de Caminos,…
Desde el departamento de ingeniería civil estamos organizando un webinar para el jueves 22 de marzo a las 13:00 (inscripción en este enlace) en colaboración con la empresa JoVE que…